Local restaurants, diners and hotels will soon be getting a new certificate that will guarantee the quality of foods and ingredients used to prepare them in regards to different health problems and life choices. Healthy Meal Standard will be a new certificate handed out to those venues that adhere to different dietary needs of people with high blood pressure, diabetes, intolerance to histamine, lactose, or prefer a strict vegan diet.
Nutritionist Dijana Gluhak and Zdravi Obrok (Healthy Meal) NGO had initiated the Standard in order to promote care for people with health issues and increase the quality of services in tourism and gastronomy.
It’s a holistic model of voluntary regulation that aims to standardize menus for people with special dietary needs in public, mainly tourist based, facilities in adherence to global and national guidelines for those dietary needs. Healthy Meal Standard will be a guarantee that those having it prepare meals suitable for people with specific health problems, allergies and choices.