One of the most popular film festivals in Croatia, Motovun film festival, starts in a month and the organizers are starting off the countdown to the event with a series of hidden film screening of last year’s best films around Zagreb.
The time and date is known beforehand and the location is announced on the day of the screening which happens to be today! The first Hidden screening is going to be in the inner garden in Nova Ves street 18 tonight at 9 pm. The movie shown will be Ida by Pawel Pawlikowski that won EFA and Oscar for best foreign film awards last year and had its local premiere in Motovun.
The film deals with the painful issue of Polish anti-Semitism and the treatment of Jews by ethnic Poles during World War II. It’s 1962. and Anna is about to become a nun when she finds out her real name is Ida and that her parents were Jews killed in Holocaust. She sets off to discover hidden family secrets with her reluctant aunt, a communist prosecutor with a long track record of sentencing nuns and priests to death.
Hidden projections always tend to be in unexpected venues and this one is no different. A two-story building build in 1781. as a home for weakened priests turned into a military hospital during the 19th century and finally a political prison in the first half of the 20th century. Today it’s a home for a number of film institutes, festivals and independent productions. The inner garden was always just that, but that’s still nice, right?
The screening is free, but seats are limited so make sure you find the hidden garden in time!