A Purger’s Leisured Stroll Trough Zagreb Discovers a Century of the City’s History

Modulor gallery is preparing a treat for all history and photography lovers with A Purger’s leisured stroll trough Zagreb exhibition opening this Tuesday, November 10th. The exhibition features photographs of Zagreb stored in the National Archives dating from the mid 19th century to mid 20th century.

During that period Zagreb went trough big changes, rapidly expanding and modernizing itself and photographs show that progression. Many of them feature places and architecture long lost to progress, forgotten daily rituals, now old palaces being build and outlines of the city Zagreb will one day become.

The name of the exhibition comes from a legendary feature in Revija Zagreb magazine that came out in 1940’s. Purger was a name for Zagreb’s gentry in Austro-Hungarian Empire derived from the German word burg, meaning city.

The exhibition is being held in Modulor gallery, Stara Tresnjevka park 1, from November 10th (opening is at 7 pm) until December 6th.