How to plan a month in Zagreb – a.k.a don’t get lost in the daily routine
Since now I feel myself home, I started to have my daily/weekly routine. And this is a thing which I should avoid!! For sure!! There are things going on, and maybe this is a „once in a lifetime „opportunity to be here and take part in. So this is how we the girls at the flat organize our month. First of all, we print out a calendar – the simplest is to have the Word calendar template, that’s what we use usually. Then we add our training – dance, parkour, rowing and badminton plus we add any other event, which we know for sure. Like this week, we will have the Supervision Commission Visit for the Games or a Birthday Celebration. Also, our Volunteer Campaign in the Games is getting more and more interesting we already have almost 600 applicants. We have a 73 years old candidate!! 73!! It is so cool to be that active at this age and come and enjoy life! Also another applicant from Mexico, who would come to our event. This makes me feel so proud, there are people who would travel across an ocean to come and participate!! From China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, almost all over the World. Cannot wait to meet them! Just look at these people:
You can be sure that we are
Okay, I went a bit too far but this is all around us right now, and I love these stickers.
So let’s continue… The other main source of information is…Facebook, Naravno! We are all subscribed to different groups checking the organized trips, parties, workshops. So we usually have a lot of thing in the mind. There is an EVS group, where everyone shares the information about their own organization what do they do this month, also the Erasmus Zagreb, ESN Zagreb, AEGEE Zagreb pages are good sources of information. Then we go and grab the monthly planner from the tourist information at Ban Jelačić square, it’s at the right corner of the square next to Johann Franck more or less. The booklet is in Croatian or English, you can get it for free and there are advice about everything, museums, galleries, sports, restaurants, walking tours, it’s a good aggregation of prices, addresses of the main touristic places. Usually, Annamaria checks first this planner, and then we all go through on it. Since part of the content remains the same, we just check what’s new in it. Then, of course, I check the JustZagreb website to see the latest happenings in the city. After all, more or less we have a plan for the month. Of course a huge amount of flexibility in it. At least, we are aware of what’s going on, how we maximize it just depends on us.
So here the idea for this week:
- International Documentary Film Festival at Cineplexx, 21th-28th February
Sooo this is how