The drama of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb announces the first this season’s premiere Cat on a Hot Tin Roof of Tennessee Williams, directed by Paolo Magellie, to be held on October 13th.
For a dramatic text Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Williams received the Pulitzer Prize in 1955. By portraying his characters in detail, Williams gives a deeply emotional and shaky picture of a family seized into their own network of lies.
In the roles of Maggie and Brick perform Zrinka Cvitešić and Filip Vidović, mom and dad Pollitt are Ksenija Marinković and Milan Pleština, Brick’s brother and his wife are Dušan Bućan and Ana Begić, reverend Tooker is Livio Badurina and Goran Grgić will play as Dr. Baugh. The performance also includes singers Lucija Jelušić, Stefano Surian, Josip Roša and five children.
For more info about the performances schedule go to Croatian National Theater page.