As part of the event Design District Zagreb we were writing about last week, Croatian National Bank opens their door to the public once again.
Interested citizens will be able to visit Round Auditorium of the Croatian National Bank as well as the Stock Exchange Palace situated in a protected cultural property, building known as the most renowned work of the architect Viktor Kovačić.
Tours will be led by art historian and anthropologist Ines Merkl who will talk about the architecture and history of the building.
Croatian National Bank building is located just near the city center, at the square Trg hrvatskih velikana. Tours will take place next week on 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of June, every day at 10 am, 1 pm and 4 pm. It’s important to register by sending an email on their adress [email protected] at the Facebook profile of the CNB 2 days before the tour.