Exhibition Croatia is Hrvatska beats all records of visitation, denies bad indicators of Eurostat about Croats and labels them as cultural lovers!
According to Eurostat data from the Statistical Office of the European Union, Croats are below the average for visiting cultural events. In this part of Europe cultural content is mostly consumed by Slovenes, while the crown goes to Icelanders where as much as 90% of the population is visiting cultural events annually.
Croatia, on the other hand, is on the lower part of scale with the modest 37% of the population visiting cultural events – compared to the EU average of 64%. Nevertheless, as a positive example in this negative trend that has been seen over the past years, multiple high-quality multimedia and interactive exhibitions like Croatia is Hrvatska (organized by insurance company Grič and the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb) are leaving a positive impact.
That specific exhibition marked the cultural season of the city and raised the level of cultural consciousness. ‘I hope that Croatia is Hrvatska has intrigued the public and raised the interest in the similar cultural events in the future. I’m glad it caused a big echo in the public because I think that culture and all activities associated with it reflect the identity of one nation that we definitely must not neglect.’, historian Igor Zidić said.