John Groves, Famous Soundbranding Expert in Zagreb

Author: Tajana Skuric

On November 26 & 27,  the 3rd International Authors’ Creative Conference (MAKK) will be held at the Contemporary Arts Museum (MSU). One of the guests is John Groves, a British composer, producer and founder of the sound branding company Groves. In his unusual presentation ”Say it with music – the importance of sound for an identity of brands, cities and more”, he will talk about his ComMUSICation concept, the importance of music in marketing communication, and how it influences our actions, emotions, and thoughts. Sound branding forms the identity using sound or music, and at Groves, marketing experts doesn’t see the music just as a decorative accessory, but as an essential part of communication of a particular brand (just like colors, symbols or a recognizable logo). Groves and his team have used this to brand some of the largest world institutions, brands or cities, like Olympus, Audi, and VH1, which have started to use sound as a part of their identity along with visual symbols. From the cheerful sound of ice cream trucks and elevator sounds, all to ringtones, our daily life is filled with sounds and music.
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