Zagreb Time Machine, a collection of events that uncover the precious moments from Zagreb’s rich past, brings one of its favorite activities from 50’s and 70’s – dancing!
People of Zagreb grew up influenced by major international trends, namely popular rock, jazz and swing music. Dance evenings at Zrinjevac are here to bring back the good old spirit of dancing and enjoying the music that the people love.
Apart from all the dancing that will be going on, there will be food and drink stands to recuperate its visitors and prepare them for more.
Zrinjevac, along with its Music Pavilion in the center of the park is the perfect place to ignite the charming atmosphere. It’s glory days began back in 1891 when the Music Pavilion was built and became a place for public concerts and other venues.
These dance evenings are organized under Zagreb Tourist Board from August 4th to 13th (8 PM – 11 PM).