Krka National Park, that lies within Šibenik-Knin County and includes seven waterfalls, this time presents the 850 meters long walking trail – Pištavac.
The cliffs of the river canyon extending from Roški slap waterfall to Carigradska draga are deeply etched, with the vertical rocks alternating with stretches of vegetated slopes. In the middle of the canyon section of the Krka, at Carigradska draga, stands the orthodox Krka monastery, also called the Monastery of the Holy Archangel. It can be seen from the trail, comfortably situated in the peaceful surroundings. The slopes of the river here are tall and steep. In their clefts we find the wetlands, with reeds, lake-like expansions of the river, wet meadows and surrounding pools abound in amphibians and birds, while the thickets and rocky grounds are home to the reptiles and lizards.
In continuing upstream along the river, as part of this exceptional part of the river, the Nečven fortress stands high above the left bank of the Krka River, at a side where there was once a crossing over the river connecting southeast Dalmatia with Bukovica and Ravni kotari. On the opposite cliff, stands the Trošenj fortress.
The gravel Pištavac trail can be reached from the reception area for the Krka monastery or from the trail Trošenj – Pištavac (5 700 m). There is also an open parking area at the start of the trail.