Once again, for the 22nd time in a row, Zagreb will live to the rhythm of the festival Cest is d’best. We’re talking about international multimedia street festival which was founded in 1997 and stands today as the oldest street festival in Croatia.
Every spring it enlivens Zagreb city streets and squares by transforming the city center and erasing the borders between the established forms of culture and alternative culture. It actually transforms Zagreb to a big open-air stage. It also brings closer all generations of citizens with various cultural preferences because each and one of them can take part in the rich programme.
The festival starts tomorrow and lasts until the 3rd of June. Some of the Cest’s stages are The Flower Square, The EU Square, Zrinjevac Park and Bogovićeva street.
The next five days will be filled with performances, music, drama, art, children’s activities, sports and other events whose only goal is to put smiles on the faces of passers-by and visitors. And the best thing is that you don’t even need to stretch your legs further than the center of Zagreb.