Zagreb Salon is an international contest of art photography organized by Fotoklub Zagreb. Fotoklub Zagreb invites all of you who want to participate in the competition to sign up till 12 September 2018. Exhibition of awarded photographs will be held 12 November – 2 December 2018 at Zagreb’s Mimara Museum.
The Zagreb Fotoklub is the oldest nonprofit photographic organization in this part of Europe, founded back in 1892. Today, it has more than 200 active members, such as those in zenith of artistic creation and those who are just at beginning of their photographic journey. It gathers amateurs and professionals, students, professors, engineers, doctors and retirees … Everyone with a love of photography.
38th Zagreb Salon will be conducted in accordance with the requirements and practices of The Photographic Society of America (PSA), and in accordance to the regulations of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP).
For more info about the participation click here.