The steam engine is one of the most revolutionary inventions in the human history. Technical museum Nikola Tesla has a rich collection that gives a cross-section of the development of these steam machines that triggered an industrial revolution and the exhibition is open until 10th of October.
Exhibit Full steam! is a continuation of educational activities and introduces new ways of presenting a permanent set-up: modern technology, interactivity, and video materials. Tablets as widespread legends with a steam engine, technical-historical data and a wider context (the primary function of steam machines and their role stories in the community) are the backbone of exhibitions whose purpose is to further engage visitors with the story.
An interesting fact is that the steam machines in Technical museum Nikola Tesla were once used in various regional factories, for example, Sawmill in Gorski Kotar or generator drive in a power plant in Knin.
The role played by the steam engines was a big one, the way it shaped and propelled society at the time, and it certainly deserves to be exhibited.
For a visit to the exhibition, a ticket for the permanent exhibition of the Museum is valid.