Renowned architect Berislav Šerbetić, one of the conceptual creators of sports and business complex Cibona, has died on Tuesday, 15th of August at the age of 82.
Berislav Šerbetić (1935 – 2017) graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb in the class of Alfred Albini in 1959. He worked in architectural ateliers Center 51 in Zagreb, Edward Durrel Stone in New York, and since 1978 at the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, first as a solo designer and later as a lecturer.
He was very active in his field. From 1965. until 1967. he was a member of the editorial board of magazine “Arhitektura” (Architecture), from 1973. To 1977. he was the president of the Zagreb Architect society and in 1974. He was the president of Zagreb Saloon. He also worked on a number of committees, specialized expert commissions, and rating courts.
His most significant projects were Cibona tower in Zagreb(1988.), Memorial Center in Kumrovec(1974.), a collection of sculptures on Petrov agora (1981.) and restoration of Medvedgrad (1993.-1994.). Besides these, he also worked on many other projects such as the residential complex in Vrbik and other housing projects.
In his projects, he was able to achieve a balanced synthesis of function, technology, and architectural design. This year he was awarded the Life Work Prize Viktor Kovačić as the greatest achievement for his collection of works.