Story Green Day is a one-day event organized for the occasion of the Earth Day. It will be held on Saturday 21st and will gather small local producers with their homegrown and homemade products.
Organized in collaboration with Little Market, the event is going to take place at the Zrinjevac park from 10am to 2pm with a focus on the organic and ecological assortment of products – mostly food, but there will also be a significant volume of horticultural products. Visitors will be able to taste, buy, and ask the friendly vendors all about the process of growing their food, visit the flower shops with numerous flowers, pots and seedlings or learn something interesting on thematic workshops (for kids). This year, a special guest – Centar UNUO for creative training for the disabled, is also going to offer homemade cookies ‘Hookie’ made with love and care.
If you are planning to go for your grocery run on Saturday, keep in mind that Zrinjevac will have a fresh and diverse offer of quality goodies. For more information, visit the fb event page.