SUPERTOON, an international festival of animated films will be held on Summer Stage Tuškanac on 31st August and 1st of September.
The visitors will be able to watch the screenings of the award-winning films from the SUPERTOON festival which took place in Šibenik a few days ago.
The purpose of the Festival is to systematically monitor and keep up with recent works of Croatian short-meter animation films. This festival aims to create a platform for communication and popularization of animated films where people can exchange ideas and experiences.
Croatia has a rich tradition of animated film production and festival organization. Zagreb got its own Animafest which was established back in 70’s but the general interest grew and now Šibenik got its own animated film fest – Supertoon (the festival is originally held there, but visits Zagreb and other cities every so often).
See ya on Summer Stage Tuškanac!