One of the biggest comic festivals in this area is bringing numerous heroes, their authors, and audiences together for 22nd International Comic Con Fair. The Zagreb Comic Con will take place May 10-12, 2019 at HDLU – Meštrović Pavilion (Trg žrtava fašizma 16).
The opening ceremony which includes opening of exhibitions: Tarzan – Lord of the Jungle, 50 Years of Alan Ford, Made in CRO – Helena Klakočar, Croatian Comics for Children – Dario Kukić, The Young Lions Competition 2019 – Magic Pencil will be held tomorrow, on Friday at 8 pm. During the three days of the event, visitors have the opportunity to attend various events ranging from exhibitions, talks with authors and various guest lecturers, live drawings, cosplaying, quizzes and workshops for children.
The entry to the event is free, for more information visit Zagreb Comic Con.